
Thank you for your interest in the Assessment of Rhythms in Sleep and the Environment (ARISE) Research Study.  This study is conducted at Emory University. The study involves measurement of environmental exposures using a stationary device that will be placed in your home by our research staff; 1-night of sleep screening in your home; 14-days of sleep monitoring using a wrist-device and monitoring of light exposure using a device worn like a necklace; and blood pressure measurements across two days. You will also do a saliva collection every 30 minutes in a dimly lit room in your home for 6 hours. Lastly, you will have a 1-hour clinic visit at Emory to provide a blood sample and undergo an ultrasound of your arteries. For participating in the study, you can receive up to $500.

If interested, please feel free to contact us at ARISEStudy@emory.edu to complete the eligibility survey.

If eligible, you will receive a consent form that explains the study in more detail.

If you have any questions before proceeding, please feel free to respond to this email or call us directly at (943) 888 1322.

We hope to hear from you soon!

The ARISE Team

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